Each member of Mount Olive is encouraged to prayerfully consider how to use your gifts and talents.
Mount Olive uses an online program called Meal Train to organize meals for Mount Olive members in need. Past recipients have included people recovering from surgery or illness and parents of new babies. Volunteers simply follow an individualized email link to Meal Train and choose a date to provide a meal. Dietary requirements, maps, email reminders, and special instructions can be viewed for each recipient. If you are in need of meals or willing to help provide meals, please contact Paula Roberts at roberts64paula@gmail.com and she can send the Meal Train links to you.
Mount Olive Quilters
For almost, the Mount Olive Quilters have met to make large (full size) and small (baby) quilts. This group meets 9:00-11:00 a.m. every Thursday throughout the year. Annually they make almost 200 large and baby quilts, which are donated to Lutheran World Relief, The Rochester Women’s Shelter, Colombia, Families First Crisis Nursery, etc. In addition, quilts and quilted items are donated to the Good Earth Village Auction each year which provides scholarships for children going to camp. Contact Elaine Monson at 272-6404 if you would like to get involved with this ministry. New quilters are always welcome, and no sewing experience necessary. If you can tie a knot, please come!
The Prayer Chain
The purpose of the prayer chain is to intercede on behalf of others in the event of illness, accident, surgery, difficult decisions, or other personal or family crises. It is also for rejoicing and thanking God for answered prayers. Are you in need of prayers for yourself, a friend, or loved one? All prayer requests are confidential. Other than members’ names, we do not include specific names for whom prayers are being offered. The Mount Olive community has many faithful members praying for your needs. If you would like to join the group of members praying, contact Kim Ignatius at ignatius.kimberlie@charter.net. If you have a prayer request and would like the prayer chain to be in prayer for you or someone you love, please contact Pastor Glenn at glenn@molive.org or Kim Ignatius, prayer chain coordinator, ignatius.kimberlie@charter.net or 507-271-6087 or call the church office: 507-288-1580
Prayer Shawl Ministry

For almost 15 years, Mount Olive members have been meeting to pray and knit or crochet prayer shawls. Many knit throughout the year to create these beautiful shawls that give comfort to those who have been ill, grieving, or experiencing a difficult time of life. The shawls are not just for Mount Olive members, but are available to anyone who is in need of prayer and comfort. There are also shawls for children and blankets for babies. The group meets at church on the second Tuesday of the month at 9:00 a.m. during the program year and many continue to work on the shawls at home. Yarn and patterns are provided. To join the group or to request a shawl, contact Vickie Kubly- 507-282-7696 or call the church office at 288-1580.
Spiritual Companions
Spiritual Companions are trained members of the congregation who walk along side members of the congregation during times of need, such as illness, surgery, life changes or challenges.