Worship at Mount Olive is:
- Lutheran. The Evangelical Lutheran Worship book empowers the congregation’s prayer and praise each weekend.
- Liturgical. The worship service centers on the ancient pattern of gathering, Word, Meal and sending. A wide variety of service orders are used throughout the Church year, providing creativity and deep engagement.
- Sacramental. The baptismal font is central; each service begins with the pouring of the water and remembrance of baptism. Holy Communion is celebrated at each service, each weekend at Mount Olive. All are welcome to receive communion at Mount Olive which celebrates an open age communion invitation. Parents decide, in consultation with the pastors, when their child is ready to begin communing.
- Centered on the Word of God. The pastors are gifted preachers who seek to connect the Word of God to life’s daily joys and sorrows. The preaching is centered in the life giving message that we are justified (saved/healed/forgiven) by Jesus Christ by grace through faith.
- Open to All. Mount Olive expects young children in worship. There is also a staffed nursery available for the late service. We expect visitors.