Mount Olive has several small groups which meet during the program year. Newcomers are always welcome.

Book group

The Monday Book Group gathers to discuss a wide variety of literature including classics, fiction, poetry, humor, memoirs, history, mystery, Minnesota authors, and youth inspired works. Individuals are welcome to discuss one book or attend every month to discuss them all! We have leaders volunteer each month to lead the discussion. The group meets the second Monday of the month, September to May, at 6:30 pm at Mount Olive in the library meeting room. Please join us for some wonderful discussion and fun! If you have any questions, please contact Jodi Schoer at
The book selections for 2023-2024 are:

Monday Book Group
Date Title Author
September 8
9:30 am at Ripe Olives
Wilhelm’s Way Teresa Wilhelm Waldof
September 11 This Tender Land William Kent Krueger
(Library Book Bag)
October 9 The Five Wishes of Mr. Murray McBride Joe Siple
November 13 *The Shadow of the Wind Carlos Ruiz Zafaon
December 11 * A Christmas Carol Charles Dickens
January 8 *All Creatures Great and Small James Herriot
February 12 Hidden Valley Road Robert Kolker
March 11 The Feather Thief Kirk Wallace
April 8 * The Library Book Susan Orlean
May 13 *O Pioneers Willa Cather
* Indicates a Rochester Public Library Book Bag is available.

Fellowship Tables

Traditionally, Fellowship Tables have been groups of seven to nine adults that meet three or more times during the program year to share a meal and fellowship in homes. In recent years, we have added Restaurant Tables, a group that has their meals in restaurants. Once again, this year there will be both options for Fellowship Tables. These groups are all a great way to branch out, meet new people, and bond with long-time friends without a huge time commitment.

Restaurant and Home Fellowship Tables are formed for one program year and are open to adult couples and singles. Please indicate your preference for one of these groups on your registration form. Pick up your forms at the information table in the entry or in the Gathering Area and return by October 21. Each group will have a volunteer organize their first meeting. Most groups will begin gathering in November, but anyone may join in any-time during the year. Following the first meeting, the group sets its own schedule for the remainder of the year.

Direct any questions to

Men’s Discipleship Group

This multigenerational group meets on Saturdays at the church from 8:30-9:30 a.m. and seeks to develop meaningful relationships and a better understanding of what it means to be disciples of Christ. This gathering focuses on scripture or a book that helps us to walk closer to the Lord and to our families, and encourages us in being disciples of Jesus. Come as your schedule allows. If you have questions, you can talk with Mark Masbruch, Paul Johnson or Mark Schoer.

Ripe Olives

ripe_oivesRipe Olives, the group for Mount Olive’s seniors, meets during the program year on the 2nd Friday of the month at 9:30 a.m. for education and fellowship opportunities. At each meeting, breakfast is provided with a freewill donation. Everyone is welcome to attend. Sign up in the Gathering Area prior to each event. Watch the bulletin, and The Messenger newsletter for further information about programs coming up this year! Contact Nancy Britson, Director of Congregational Life, with questions – 288-1580 ext. 202 or

Women’s Ministry at Mount Olive


All women of Mount Olive are welcome to participate in the women’s ministry, often referred to as WELCA or Women of the ELCA.  This group focuses on fellowship, Bible study, and service. There are six small groups, often called circles, that meet monthly during the program year for Bible study, discussion and spiritual care. Meeting times vary and include morning, afternoon, and evening groups. Some groups meet online during the winter months. These meetings are a great time for fellowship and forming life-long friendships. Spending time together in Bible study is also a wonderful way to learn about the Bible in a comfortable setting. Currently the Bible study used comes from Gather magazine. Mount Olive women also host fellowship events throughout the year. All women are welcome to attend, whether they participate in a small group or not. Contact Women’s Ministry Facilitator, Cathy Hanson at  or 507-398-3917 with questions or for information about joining one of the groups.  Look for updates about coming events in weekly bulletins or the newsletter.