Worship Bulletin and Announcements

Special Event with Ken Medema on Saturday, February 22

— Day-retreat 9am-3pm with lunch (for Mount Olive members)
— Concert 6:30pm (open to the public)
The first event of our year-long theme “Our Stories, God’s Story” features musical storyteller Ken Medema. Please make your reservations now as we expect a packed house.
It’s not every day we get such a talent. Ken is a world-class composer— “Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying” and hundreds of other songs—, an unforgettable musical storyteller, and a powerhouse of creativity for the global church. He’ll join us for worship on Sunday and the morning forum, too. It’s hard to describe Ken’s way of weaving Biblical stories with passionate music and giving courage to people present for their own stories. Suffice it to say, you won’t want to miss this!
Mount Olive members: Make your reservations now. Thanks to our Calvin Grant, tickets are FREE for Mount Olive folks, whether you’re an official member or not, but you must register. If you haven’t yet signed up at church, email Richard at richard@molive.org to save your seat. Call the church office if you want to schedule a ride.
General public: Tickets for the general public cost $35, and available on Eventbrite at https://tinyurl.com/w6j9wc4c. Doors open at 6pm. Stadium seating in our sanctuary, wheelchair accessible.
Questions? Want to help with the day’s success? Contact Richard Bruxvoort Colligan our grant director at richard@molive.org.

Mount Olive’s Welcome Statement

“We trust that God calls Mount Olive Lutheran Church to a ministry of reconciliation. We embrace as a gift the diversity of our neighborhood and the world, and we extend God’s hospitality by welcoming, hearing, and treasuring:

All gender identities and sexual orientations All races and ethnicities All ages and abilities
All economic statuses and education levels All faith journeys and personal histories

As Christ welcomes all, we too welcome the full inclusion of all people into the life, ministry, and sacraments of Mount Olive, joining in a journey toward greater love, understanding, and mutual respect.”

We are also an unapologetically Lutheran community of faith. This means:

          • Our theology is centered in the life and death of Jesus Christ.
          • We are part of a long line of historic churches which celebrate infant baptism and weekly Holy Communion.
          • The Word of God is the norm and basis for our life together.

We are also part of one particular group of Lutherans – the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Through this group we are networked with thousands of other congregations, mission sites, social service agencies, and educational institutions that live out the faith of Jesus Christ in similar ways.

We would love to have you join us for worship on a weekend. Our communion table is open to all as God draws you. Please come. If you like, you may even want to stay for coffee, introduce yourself, and strike up a conversation.

We believe Christ calls each person to some kind of ministry. We also believe that our lives are enriched when we do ministry together. You are welcome to explore your calling in this community of God’s people.