Faith Formation Opportunities

Mount Olive is committed to offering safe opportunities for children, youth and families to engage with their faiths during this pandemic. The following programs prioritize safety, fun, and quality Lutheran theology. We will continue to grow and adapt during this unique time to help offer a variety of in-person and online activities for families to engage with.

Sunday School (All Ages)


7th and 8th grade students are invited to participate in confirmation. Along with fellowship, service and putting words to their faith, students will be prepared for being confirmed the fall of their 9th grade year. Please contact Evan Fitzsimmons at for more information.

Baptismal Journey

When we bring our children to baptism, we as parents (and as a congregation!) make promises:

     to live with them among God’s faithful people,
     bring them to the word of God and the holy supper,
     teach them the Lord’s Prayer, the Creed, and the Ten Commandments,
     place in their hands the holy scriptures, and nurture them in faith and prayer,
     so that they may learn to trust God,
     proclaim Christ through word and deed,
     care for others and the world God made,
     and work for justice and peace.

This is a tall order! And it doesn’t just happen overnight. These promises are fulfilled throughout childhood (and beyond). We seek to fulfill these promises together as a community, as we continue to figure out what it means for us to live as God’s people.


Preparation for baptism begins with a conversation with a pastor. Please contact the Church Office at 507.288.1580 to schedule a thirty-minute meeting with one of the pastors to learn, share, and prepare for this important congregational event.


People of all ages (including small children!) are welcome to join the whole church at the Communion table. An intergenerational session called Welcome to Communion: An Introduction to the Sacrament is available once a year for those who want to learn more about the sacrament. Both young and old are welcome. Additionally, you may schedule a private communion introduction with the pastor if you prefer.