Mount Olive participates in Simply Giving®, a safe, confidential electronic funds transfer program that Thrivent Financial for Lutherans offers to Lutheran congregations, institutions, and ministries. Simply Giving® offers you opportunity to conveniently, consistently, and joyfully give financial gifts to Mount Olive’s ministry, even when other obligations keep you from worship. Simply Giving® provides Mount Olive with a reliable, baseline stream of revenue that helps achieve the congregation’s mission, especially during the “summer slump.”
- Do I need to be a Thrivent member to use Simply Giving®?
- No. Any member of Mount Olive may participate.
- Does Thrivent charge me or Mount Olive to participate?
- Thrivent does not charge. However, the actual transfer of funds is conducted by Vanco Services, LLC. Vanco charges Mount Olive a nominal fee for their service.
- How does the program work?
- Your offerings are transferred electronically from your checking or savings account directly into Mount Olive’s checking account.
- How and when can funds be withdrawn?
- Withdrawals are made only with prior authorization from you, and you specify when contributions are made. Contributions can be made monthly on the 1st or 15th of the month, semi-monthly, or weekly on Monday or Friday.
- How do I sign up?
- Download the enrollment form or contact the church office at (507)288-1580 and ask for an enrollment form. Return the completed form to the church office. You may also enroll online by creating an online profile on Mount Olive’s online donation website.
The Simply Giving® Program is operated by Vanco Services, LLC. Simply Giving® is a registered trademark of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans.