Mount Olive has been blessed with faithful members and friends who provided gifts to enhance and extend our mission well into the future.

Seminarian Scholarships

Pastor Keith Beaver and Mrs. Mary Beaver established a seminary scholarship fund to support Mount Olive members who are studying to become church workers. Our most recent seminary graduate, Miriam Hanson, was granted $10,000 each year of her studies, much of that support coming from this fund.

Scholarships for Students in Tanzania

Judy (Christianson) Trautman established a fund in her mother’s name (Frances Christianson) when her mother died. Every year we award 5 scholarships to students at Hull High School in Kijota, Tanzania using the income from this fund.

Enhanced Worship Experience

LouAnn Wiebke, one of our original members who died in 2020, left a bequest to Mount Olive, which enabled us to replace our sanctuary piano with a much better one, update our video streaming service for worship, and complete several other important projects.